Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 PM

As the day has progressed it has become apparent that Grandpa's fall last night was due to a stroke.  The nurse came in and dressed his wounds this afternoon.  They have delivered a hospital bed for him and depending on if he can walk to his own bed on his tonight they might begin using.  He has been asleep or unresponsive for the majority of the day today. Grandpa's Bishop, the Hospice Chaplain, and Nurse all came today and Grandpa was unresponsive the whole time each one of them was there.  Marilyn estimates that he has been awake and responsive for about 20 min the whole day.  While he was awake his speech was very slurred and jumbled.  His number obsession switched to an alphabet obsession for the few minutes he was awake.

Thank you all for keeping him and Marilyn and Steve in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these. I've been checking them regularly and it's really nice to know what's going on.
