Thursday, September 6, 2012

Viewing Update

Walker Mortuary isn't big enough to accommodate a family as big as ours, as well as the general public.  So there will be a special family viewing before the general viewing Sunday night from 5:00-6:00.  The public viewing will begin at 6:00 PM.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Verle Mc Noyes of Morgan left this world on Sept. 3, 2012. He was born in Hanksville, Ut. On Aug. 2, 1920 to John Henry (Hyrum) and Edith Jane McDougal Noyes. He was the seventh of eight children. At age 5 the family moved to Idaho and settled in the Burley/Declo area.

Mc married Doris Egbert in 1943 in the Salt Lake LDS temple. They farmed a few years in Idaho then moved to Morgan Utah in 1949.

Mc provided for his wife and thirteen children by dairying and farming. He also worked at the Union Pacific Railroad, at the Morgan County Building, and at Clarks Feed and Seed.

Mc’s church service included; serving in two bishoprics, scouting and the young men’s organization. His favorite church service, however, was teaching the gospel and bearing his testimony. Doris and Mc served a proselytizing mission to Alabama and a temple mission to Washington D.C.

Mc was a member of the Utah Farm Bureau and American Dairymen’s Association. He served on the Morgan Co. School Board for 14 years. During that time he was instrumental in getting the DATC built. Mc also served on the Milton Cemetery Committee and was instrumental in many of the improvements there.

Mc is survived by 12 of his children: Verla Hasler, Don, Eva Clark, Marie Phippen, Gale, Lloyd, Joyce Miley, Marilyn Hardman, John, Norman, Nina Anderson, and Jane Williamson. He had 74 grandchildren, 150 plus great grandchildren and 3 great-great grandchildren.

His wife Doris, a daughter Barbara Iverson and a grandson Andy Iverson preceded him in death.

Special thanks to Marilyn and Steven Hardman, and their family, for their tender care, which allowed Mc to stay in his home the last seven years. Also thanks to Access Hospice for their compassionate help in his final days.

A viewing will be held Sunday September 9, 2012 from 6:00- 8:00 PM at Walker Mortuary in Morgan.   Monday, September 10, 2012, there will be a viewing at the Milton LDS Church from 9:30-10:30.  Funeral Services will follow at 11:00 in the chapel.


There will be a viewing for Grandpa Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 6:00 PM.  Funeral Services will be held the next day, Monday, September 10, 2012 at 11:00 AM.  It will be held at the Milton LDS Church.  1255 N Morgan Valley Dr. Milton UT, 84050.

Monday, September 3, 2012

We Love You Grandpa!

Our sweet Grandpa passed away Monday, September 3, 2012 at around 11:35 PM.  He had been surrounded by his children and those who love him that evening, and passed away very peacefully after having seen each of his children that day.  We love and will miss him dearly.

Monday, September 3, 2012

They changed Grandpa's med routine and he has slept peacefully since then. He's been mumbling in his sleep the last hour or so but it has all been in his sleep.

Monday, September 3, 2012 9 AM

After Marilyn posted last night Grandpa was VERY agitated and spent the whole night restless.  He tried all night to get out of bed, take his clothes off, and pulling his catheter out.  He was throwing punches at Marilyn and Steven, and using language he hasn't used since he was milking cows.  Needless to say Marilyn and Steven did not sleep last night, they both had to be holding him down all night so he wouldn't work himself out of his bed and end up on the floor.  The nurse finally decided they had better change his medication routine, and after they did that they he finally slept.  He has been sleeping since about 6:00 AM, and will hopefully finally get some sleep.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Sept 2 10:25 pm

Dad took a long time to settle down tonight.  I hope he sleeps good now.
He enjoyed the visitors that came all evening and bore his testimony to each of them.
It was quite tender.

At one point he asked me when the viewing was.  I told him he hadn't died.  He was sure confused .

Yesterday in the middle of the day he asked why the headlights were shining on him.

No one but God knows when his time to go home will be but he is anxious and ready.

Thanks to all of you for your fasting and prayers.

Sunday, September 2, 2012 5PM

Grandpa slept for most of the morning and woke up when the priests came by do administer the sacrament. Since then he has been in and out but seems to be aware of what is going on and why people are stopping by to see him.  His neighbors, the Kearsleys, stopped by to see him and he bore a very strong testimony to them and said "On my death bed I want you to know, I know this church is true!"  I think he would want all his posterity to know this.

Feel free to come by and visit him.

Sunday, September 2 9 AM

Grandpa was restless and determined to get out of his bed last night. Marilyn and Steve helped him get into his wheelchair at one point hoping that it would appease him but then he was determined to get out of it. He is resting peacefully now, and he is even laying on his side, which is how he prefers to sleep.

If you are planning on stopping by to visit, it is a good idea to only have 2 people upstairs with grandpa at a time. And have the rest downstairs visiting. This way grandpa can rest if he needs to.

Marilyn's sibling please check your e-mails again.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012 10 PM

Dads sleeping peacefully tonight. He has been awake for most of the day today and has been confused off and on, but mostly somewhat aware of what's going on.

Note to Marilyn's siblings. Please check your e-mails.

Saturday, September 1, 2012 5 PM

Grandpa had a surge of energy this morning and was more aware than he has been for several days. Tonight he is more confused and doesn't understand why he is in a hospital bed or why it is in the living room.

For those who want to stop by tomorrow, Marilyn will have PLENTY of food, so come hungry.

Saturday, September 1, 2012 12:30 PM

Grandpa seems to have a little more control of his mind today. He is still asleep most of the time but he hasn't mentioned numbers and seems to somewhat understand what's going on.

Saturday, September 1, 2012 6:30 AM

Last night Grandpa kept wanting to get out of bed and he had quite a bit of his strength back.  Enough that he kept swinging his legs over the side of his bed trying to get out.  Around 5:30 AM Marilyn and Steven got him out of his bed (and Grandpa actually had enough strength to help stand up a little bit), put him in his wheelchair, got him bathed, and fed him breakfast.  This morning the few comments he made were normal and not obsessing about numbers.

Remember we are having a special fast this fast sunday on his behalf.  Please keep him in your prayers, and those who are caring for him.  Nobody knows how many days he has left, but his days are numbered, please feel free to come and hold his hand if you feel you need to.  It may be beneficial not only for him but for you also.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012 7:30 PM

Sorry this one is late! I wrote this post on my iphone while I was in the car, I thought it published it but it didn't!

Grandpa is awake and being fed chicken stew (Sherri Stucki Stew) right now.  His speech is the same as it has been (everything has a number and no complete sentences).  He is mostly the same he has been the last two days, sleepy and confused.  

I will update again tomorrow morning.  Lets pray he has a restful night tonight.

Friday, August 31, 2012 5 PM

Grandpa did wake up for a little while today.  Marilyn tried to talk with him a little bit but he was back to obsessing about his numbers.  He ate "breakfast" (a small pudding) around 4 but went straight back to sleep after.

I know there have been lots of updates today, and I hope you all feel informed even though not much has changed.

Friday, August 31, 2012 3:00 PM

Grandpa is still sleeping.  When visitors come he can wake up long enough to see that they are there but, he is unable to acknowledge that they are there.

Friday 11 AM

Still sleeping soundly, snoring loudly

Friday, August 31, 2012 AM

Grandpa was very restless and agitated last night.  In the middle of the night he tried to pull out his catheter and was very upset for a while.  This morning he is VERY tired.  When his Aide came to shower him this morning he slept through her moving him into his wheelchair, bed bathing him, shaving him and putting him back in his hospital bed.  He has been asleep (snoring quite loudly according to Marilyn) all morning.  I will try to update once he wakes up.

Just as a side note I wanted to let you all know that during one of his awake and lucid moments yesterday he expressed how much he loves his family.  I'm sure he knows of our love for him too, especially as we continue to pray for him. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012 PM

Grandpa no longer has the strength to stand on his own and he continues to have to be fed.  He will occasionally get a whole sentence out but generally his speech is jumbled and doesn't make much sense.  He spent the day in his hospital bed and will continue to stay there.

Here are some pictures taken of Grandpa in April, when they had their brother/sister party.

Thursday, August 30, 2012 AM

Grandpa continues to decline.  He was determined to sleep in his own bed last night instead of the hospital bed, however as of today he will spend the rest of the time in the hospital bed.  Grandpa can stand on his own but he can't get his feet to move, and he doesn't have the strength to walk anyway.  He hasn't been able to feed himself the last two days so Marilyn and Steven have been feeding him, but even then he has only eaten a few bites.  He is still worrying about these numbers/letters, and is still unable to speak full sentences.

More than anything Grandpa just needs someone to sit by him and hold his hand.  So, if you are available to stop by for an hour or so to sit by him you are welcome too.  But please no children.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 PM

As the day has progressed it has become apparent that Grandpa's fall last night was due to a stroke.  The nurse came in and dressed his wounds this afternoon.  They have delivered a hospital bed for him and depending on if he can walk to his own bed on his tonight they might begin using.  He has been asleep or unresponsive for the majority of the day today. Grandpa's Bishop, the Hospice Chaplain, and Nurse all came today and Grandpa was unresponsive the whole time each one of them was there.  Marilyn estimates that he has been awake and responsive for about 20 min the whole day.  While he was awake his speech was very slurred and jumbled.  His number obsession switched to an alphabet obsession for the few minutes he was awake.

Thank you all for keeping him and Marilyn and Steve in your prayers.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 AM

Grandpa had a rough night last night.  Giving him Morphine never helped him sleep during the day and    he didn't fall asleep until after midnight.  He woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and fell.  He has two abrasions, one on his arm and one on his hip.  This morning the Aide came to help him get up and dressed but he was too tired to shower, and too tired to eat breakfast.  He is sleeping in his chair now, and hopefully will be able to get some more sleep today since he was still seeming to worry about these numbers while he was getting dressed this morning.

I'll try to update again tonight, or if anything significant changes during the day.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 Part 2

Grandpa continues to be more and more confused as the day goes on.  I'll try to explain but it may not make any sense.  He has been correlating certain objects with numbers.  For example his body is ONE, his shirt is TWO,  his boots are FIVE... But he can't keep them straight himself, and often changes which number goes to what, which is frustrating to him because he feels that these numbers are very important.  As the day goes on he is getting more and more frustrated over it and more and more confused.  The hospice nurse recommends that we give him enough Morphine that he sleeps. That way he isn't just sitting around stressing about these numbers and getting more and more frustrated and agitated.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grandpa's Hospice nurse came and checked on him last night (Monday).  She say's that at this point Marilyn needs to only be giving him his "comfort" pills (anxiety and pain pills), and that he is on his way out.  He woke up this morning very weak and is having a really hard time making sense of anything.  His speech is very jumbled, and he wasn't able to do any of his Sudoku puzzle this morning. Marilyn is taking good care of him and will let me know if anything significant changes so I can continue to keep this blog updated. 

Thank you for your concern.  Let's continue to remember him in our prayers.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday August 27, 2012

Thanks for visiting Grandpa Noyes' Blog.  We have set it up so those who love and care about his condition will be able to know how he is doing without having to take time away from those who are caring for him.

Grandpa Noyes woke up very weak this morning.  His Aide came to help him get showered and dressed and she was surprised by how much he has declined in the last few days.  He was unable to shower and shave himself like he normally does and he ate breakfast in his chair because he was too weak to sit up to the counter.  He seems to have gained a little strength as the day has progressed and he was able to get up, walk to the bathroom and back around 2:00 PM. His Hospice Nurse will be in later today or tomorrow to check on him.

Thanks for all your love and concern for Grandpa Noyes.  Please check back here for updates on his condition.